About Hazcal

Your trusted partner in asbestos analysis and mask fit testing

Hazcal is committed to providing accurate and cost efficient asbestos analysis

Whether suspect materials are in the workplace or in the home, Hazcal Laboratory Services is here to assist. Our team has over 30 years’ industry experience in the identification and analysis of asbestos materials. We can deliver quick and accurate asbestos analysis you can rely on.

Our NATA accredited laboratory is externally audited for compliance with the International Standard ISO/IEC 17025-2017, and all technical laboratory staff participate in internal and externally managed proficiency testing programs.


Hazcal is available to assist anyone wearing a tight-fitting half face, full face or disposable respirator.

Whether you are working with asbestos removal, manufactured stone benchtops, or any other workplace where you are required to RPE, Hazcal Mask Fit Services can assist you meeting your legislative requirements. We will provide appropriate quantitative testing to confirm that personal respiratory protection is properly fitted and providing the appropriate protection.

Hazcal RESP-FIT certified staff can conduct Mask Fit Services at our Bayswater office, in your own workplace, or on site, provided there the testing can be carried out in a clean office with access power.