Asbestos has been used throughout the ages with archaeologists uncovering debris dating back to the stone age.
Being resistant to high temperature asbestos has been used as strengthener in pottery to shrouds, as wicks for lamps, and cremation cloths for those being sent onto the next life.
While many sites indicate that asbestos cloth was used as shrouding for Egyptian embalmed bodies, our research failed to find the name of any such mummies. So is it true?
Ever wondered how the flaming bags of pitch and oil being catapulted over the city walls during the crusades didn’t set fire to the trebuchets? – woven asbestos bags were apparently the answer.
In the middle ages asbestos was woven into table cloths which didn’t catch fire during the feasting shenanigans.
Some sites claim that the Italian government was using asbestos for its bank notes in the 1800’s.
In the late 1800’s, asbestos cement sheet was being manufactured, and woven asbestos seals were commonplace in boilers, ovens and slow combustion heaters. Woven asbestos seals can be found in pre and post 1900 gold mining relics remaining in remote regions of Australia.